Women's Fitness & Wellness Coaching

NickiFit A to Z

Is stress causing your weight gain?

I've tried every diet.

I've tried every workout.

But the scale doesn't budge!

Can you relate?

Get my 3 tips to reducing stress related weight gain

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Have you checked in with your stress lately?

When stubborn weight refuses to budge (especially around our belly), it's often our stress levels to blame.

Chronic stress - work related stress, relationship stress, financial stress, all the stress we carry day after day -

causes a cycle of negative emotional, mental, and physiological effects that lead to weight gain.

But guess what? It doesn't have to be this way!

You have the power to reduce the stress and lose the weight.

With 3 simple tips that you can implement today, you can start to reverse the negative effects

of stress and lose the weight.

Get my 3 tips to reducing stress related weight gain

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About NickiFit A to Z

Coach Nicole Farr is a certified health and fitness coach helping women reduce stress and anxiety through mindful movement and healthy nutrition and lifestyle habits.

She has helped 100's of women over the past 10 years get leaner, stronger, and feel more confident by discovering movement they enjoy and nutritional concepts that they can easily incorporate into everyday life.

Nicole works with women in person in Scottsdale, Arizona and virtually around the world.

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